Sunday 16 February 2014


Woah, so this is actually scary, in September/October I will be leaving for university. 

Iv applied to five university's which are...

Iv been to my Wolverhampton one and been offered a place and been to Bath spa recently and waiting for a email on if I have got a place or not.
I have declined my application from Northampton because of a injury I had near that audition which didn't bother me too much as I recently changed my mind On that uni, and also the same with Middlesex because of the distance wasn't very ideal for me in the end. 

I have my last audition tomorrow at Chester and this is one of my favourite. Since going to Bath Spa though that is also at the top of my list with Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton is close to home if I change my mind and don't wanna move away.

The idea of me moving away to uni scares me but I really want to live the student life to the full.
Really bugging me that I will have to leave my family,friends and boyfriend behind for a while, I mean I'll see them but not as much as I'd like and I will be gone for 3years, but these are the things Iv got to think about if I get offered places at Chester and Bath Spa.

Dance is my life and Iv been doing it for nearly 15years now and it's something I want to do within my careear:)
Making this decision will be hard but I know for a fact I'll make the right one, don't let anything hold you back if you are thinking about going to uni because it may not come around again and things happen for a reason and just let that reason happen.


I'm back

I'd like to say I massive sorry for not posting for such a long time, Iv been so busy with college work and university auditions, which I have my last one of tomorrow...

I'm going to try and at least write a post every week and get at least more than one up, hopefully...and I wil be doing a university one to fill you all in.

Again I'm really sorry.


Saturday 18 May 2013


Okay you all know that I am a massive JLS fan, an you may of heard about them splitting up an going their different ways.

I can not explain to you how bad I took this news an still to this day finding it hard to take in that after December JLS won't be them all together but as separate people. Okay I know what your all thinking....stop being so stupid get over it bleh bleh....but to me those boys were not just a boyband to me they helped me through tough times an guided me an also made me follow my dreams and made me the most happiest person ever!!!!!

I will never forget the times iv shared with them, seen them live an also met them.....i am so honored to have met them touched them,hugged then and even kisses them...
On that note I'm seeing them next Saturday on the 25th of May and I'm supper excited but feeling very emotional about seeing them after the announcement.

On the 13th of December 2013 will be the last time I see JLS together for God knows how long and that for me is breaking my heart.....I know they are still gonna be there but having them not as JLS is so hard for anyone to understand if you are not a JLS'ter.....

But the thing I'm going to take from this is that, they haven't died, I can still listen to there music an still be as crazily obsessed an mad about them as I have been already, they are still all friends, this is not over for JLS an us JLS'ter as once a JLS'ter always a JLS'TER :D

Mwah xxxx

Friday 10 May 2013

Sorry guys:(

Just a quick one for me to say sorry I haven't been on here in a while....

I've been busy with college work an getting my choegraphy  sorted for my solo work an preparing for the tv program my college is recording tomorrow for an amazing charity.

I will try an post more things, just atm I have a hell of a lot of work to do.
Will post more on the tv program when I know when it will be aired and you can have a watch maybe.

Thank you for still staying an reading if anyone actually is:)

Mwahhh xxxx

(sorry for spelling mistakes my PlayBook will not changed them hehe)

Sunday 20 January 2013

The Second Time:)

Well thought maybe it was time i did my blog about meeting the boys for the second time last year:).  09-11-12

Wrist Band.

I met them at in Birmingham again but this time at a singing in HMV, as they had a album that came out last November:)

So here goes...At first i thought i had college so i wouldn't of been able to have gone, but as we had a show we have to do a college my tutor had Fridays off so this ment that i could go am meet them again, i was dead happy:)
So i got everything ready, ready to travel to Birmingham, so again i set out early at 5:L, an my mom drove there to drop me off to meet some other JLS'ters there that i new, an they camped out so they had a pree good stop to que an get our wrist bands. Know i felt really bad just joining in on the que when everyone else had been there since the night before, but i had no other choice and i couldn't get there the night before.

So i joined the que at about half 5-6, an we wasn't allowed in HMV till 8 to get our wrist band.
So 8 came an we went in to collect our wrist band, an after we got it we went back to my friends house as the signing wasn't till 5 in the afternoon -.-, which was a long wait, but we went back to my friends, had a bite to eat an played JLS full blasted till we had to go. We set out at half 3 to get in the que an get a good spot to go an meet the lads.

We waited, an waited an waited, an at 5 we was let into HMV, BUT!!!!!! JLS were late as normal HAHA:L, they final came out at half 5:L.....So we were standing there with album in hand, singing along to the songs on the album, it had only been out a few days, but we knew them word for word, everyone of us, even the little 4 year old girl stood next to me.

I could not contain my excitement standing in the que waiting for my turn..So as we got closer an closer no tears seem to have fallen yet, which surprised me, i kept telling myself not to cry maybe it worked.....So i got to JB (First of the table) an there they were, not JLS the tears they cam pouring out as soon as JB said Hey:L 
JB'Hey babe'
And that was mine an JB's conversation as he was sitting there dancing an singing, i didn't mind as it was s funny to watch:L. Then Marvin was next an i could believe what he said to me..
Marvin' Helloooo darling'
Me'Hey ,Marv, you okay?'
Marvin'Im good thank you, you?'
Me'im great, i met you last year at capital fm'
*he looked at me*
Marvin' i know babe, i remember you'

The tears were pouring as ever now, i thought my fault eyelashes were going to fall off:L, maybe he was just saying it because he could, but that ment everything to me. Then Oritse was next, the man that put JLS together.

Me'Hey Reesh'
Reesh' helloooo darling, you okay?'
Me' im good thank you, you?..Reesh i love you'
Reesh' awwwww, love you too'
I moved along in shock that Reesh said he loved me back:L
So i moved on to Aston, i was spazzing i couldn't control myself.

Aston'Helloo babe'
Me' Helloooo Ast'
Aston'aww dont cry'
Me' Aston i love you'
Aston' I love you too babe' 
*And he smiled an winked at me, an as he gave me my album i touched his hand;))

I was being pushed out by the security guard as i needed to move on, i was crying, shocked that not even did Reesh but Aston, Aston said I LOVE YOU, 'I' in front means alot more:D...
So when i finally decided to move outside there were pres/paper people with big cameras outside an as i walked out they were talking photo's of me crying, till this day i still have no idea where those photo's are, maybe they will go in something JLS related or something, no idea....

This is one of the photo's i did take, i did take loads more of them individually.  

Again chase your dreams, as i did for a second time:)

Mwahhh xxxx

Saturday 19 January 2013

The Bow:)

Not very good, but it was my first try:)

I have recently tried the bow hair style, i have been wanted to know for ages how to do it but i didn't have a clue how to.
Sooooooo... i looked online on some of the girls i watch on youtube an i came across that Louise had done a tutorial on it, so i had a look an gave it a whirl.
I thought it was going to be really hard, but it is simple an easy to do. I will leave a link to the video, so if you are interested you can take a look.

I found that it didn't work as well as i would have hoped as my hair is just resting on my boobies(HAHA) so its not very long, but as Louise as longer hair it worked better, i also have layers i'm trying to grow out.
Leave some comments an tell me what you thought, an how you found it maybe:).

Mwahhh xxxx  

Sunday 13 January 2013

Youtube Channels

Well for the past 3 months i have been addicted to watching people's youtube addicted i cant stop once iv started, iv even watch some over again as i like them that much. I thought id share with you my fave ones maybe you could go an have a look at, an also maybe you could send me some that maybe you think that i would enjoy:)

Zoella - YouTube
My Blog  (her blog)
More Zoella

Joe - YouTube

Sprinkle of Glitter - YouTube ( not really watched all of hers yet, but so far they are just as good as the others:D)
Sprinkle of Chatter - YouTube

MarcusButlerTV - YouTube (Marcus as done some real life video's, like things that actually happen to you in everyday life.)

Caspar Lee - YouTube

Jack Harries - YouTube (he also has a twin brother called Fin who is in some of his videos)

PointlessBlog - YouTube
Daily Vlogs - YouTube

Janoskians - YouTube (These guys as hilarious but they do, do things that are very dangerous)
JanoskiansBlog's channel - YouTube
daresundays - YouTube

TGF. - YouTube (These guys actually live like round the corner from me, an they are similar to the Janoskians)

 Okay so you guys might watch more than me, but these are the main ones that i actually watch, maybe you could leave me comments to give me more people to watch:), give me a follow too maybe:)

Mwahhh xx