Sunday 20 January 2013

The Second Time:)

Well thought maybe it was time i did my blog about meeting the boys for the second time last year:).  09-11-12

Wrist Band.

I met them at in Birmingham again but this time at a singing in HMV, as they had a album that came out last November:)

So here goes...At first i thought i had college so i wouldn't of been able to have gone, but as we had a show we have to do a college my tutor had Fridays off so this ment that i could go am meet them again, i was dead happy:)
So i got everything ready, ready to travel to Birmingham, so again i set out early at 5:L, an my mom drove there to drop me off to meet some other JLS'ters there that i new, an they camped out so they had a pree good stop to que an get our wrist bands. Know i felt really bad just joining in on the que when everyone else had been there since the night before, but i had no other choice and i couldn't get there the night before.

So i joined the que at about half 5-6, an we wasn't allowed in HMV till 8 to get our wrist band.
So 8 came an we went in to collect our wrist band, an after we got it we went back to my friends house as the signing wasn't till 5 in the afternoon -.-, which was a long wait, but we went back to my friends, had a bite to eat an played JLS full blasted till we had to go. We set out at half 3 to get in the que an get a good spot to go an meet the lads.

We waited, an waited an waited, an at 5 we was let into HMV, BUT!!!!!! JLS were late as normal HAHA:L, they final came out at half 5:L.....So we were standing there with album in hand, singing along to the songs on the album, it had only been out a few days, but we knew them word for word, everyone of us, even the little 4 year old girl stood next to me.

I could not contain my excitement standing in the que waiting for my turn..So as we got closer an closer no tears seem to have fallen yet, which surprised me, i kept telling myself not to cry maybe it worked.....So i got to JB (First of the table) an there they were, not JLS the tears they cam pouring out as soon as JB said Hey:L 
JB'Hey babe'
And that was mine an JB's conversation as he was sitting there dancing an singing, i didn't mind as it was s funny to watch:L. Then Marvin was next an i could believe what he said to me..
Marvin' Helloooo darling'
Me'Hey ,Marv, you okay?'
Marvin'Im good thank you, you?'
Me'im great, i met you last year at capital fm'
*he looked at me*
Marvin' i know babe, i remember you'

The tears were pouring as ever now, i thought my fault eyelashes were going to fall off:L, maybe he was just saying it because he could, but that ment everything to me. Then Oritse was next, the man that put JLS together.

Me'Hey Reesh'
Reesh' helloooo darling, you okay?'
Me' im good thank you, you?..Reesh i love you'
Reesh' awwwww, love you too'
I moved along in shock that Reesh said he loved me back:L
So i moved on to Aston, i was spazzing i couldn't control myself.

Aston'Helloo babe'
Me' Helloooo Ast'
Aston'aww dont cry'
Me' Aston i love you'
Aston' I love you too babe' 
*And he smiled an winked at me, an as he gave me my album i touched his hand;))

I was being pushed out by the security guard as i needed to move on, i was crying, shocked that not even did Reesh but Aston, Aston said I LOVE YOU, 'I' in front means alot more:D...
So when i finally decided to move outside there were pres/paper people with big cameras outside an as i walked out they were talking photo's of me crying, till this day i still have no idea where those photo's are, maybe they will go in something JLS related or something, no idea....

This is one of the photo's i did take, i did take loads more of them individually.  

Again chase your dreams, as i did for a second time:)

Mwahhh xxxx

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